Korealover7's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘homeschool

Hey guys~

I hope you all are having a great day so far


I just wanted to make this post to say that I won’t be able to make a lot of post any time soon because I’ve just been really busy and I really have a lot of things going on…

I have about…. 500 million things going through my head…. And about 5000 billion things I have to do…

And blogging was a way for me to get away from all that and have a little “Me Time” but for about a month or so…

I won’t be able to have that because I really need to get myself back together and get focused on studying and homeschool and life in general.

I’ve been slacking off too much and paying to much attention of things like blogging, Youtube and whatnot.

So I’m going to limit my self to the things I want to do and to the things I NEED to do, like homeschool and getting myself together.

And I just wanted to make this post to tell you guys that I’m sorry, but I won’t be making posts for a bit, and that I hope you guys understand.

And there were some things that I wanted to do when I started homeschool and I wasn’t able to accomplish any of those things and I’m very disappointed in myself for being sooo distracted and out of it.

I hope you guys understand~

And still visit my blog every once in a while and read other posts~

Also, I will update my blog a bit. I will post simple short things like updates, hauls, and maybe monthly things like favorite songs and stuff. But a lot of you may not know, but the favorite songs take a long time since I try to link the songs to a place where you can listen to it.

And I really appreciate the views I get and I would LOVE it if some of you subscribe and leave a comment saying a couple of words!

Well this was sort of a meaningless post, but I hope you enjoyed it and understand how my life is right now~

Thank You for reading, and feel free to leave a comment below saying hi, or how your life is right now.

Well I gotta go guys~
