Korealover7's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Loreal

Hey guys~!

I hope you are having a great month of October so far!

Sorry I haven’t been posting a lot lately!

It’s just been really busy with me doing homeschool and just a lot of stress!

Well I’m back with a drugstore haul and sort of a first impression thing.

I actually went to Walmart to buy some skincare stuff and these are the stuff I got.


  • Biore Deep Clean Nose Strips (it came with makeup wipes as well) I always used Biore Nose Strips, and I feel like the Ultra Clean (?) the strongest one just hurts… rather than pulling out all the gunk and it’s more expensive so I go the regular one which I love.
  • Aveeno Ultra Calming Foam Cleanser- I used this about twice, and it is very gentle and doesn’t irritate my skin nor make it break out… so far… and it’s soap free so it isn’t really the most CLEAN and REFRESHING feel ever like I get from other cleansers, but I recommend this if you have really sensitive skin! And I also love how it doesn’t have a fragrance!
  • Loreal Go 360 Clean Deep Clean Cleanser- I heard a lot of good and a lot of bad reviews regarding this product, and I have used it for like 4 times so far… And I LOVE IT. I like the little scrublet to clean my face and it is quite fun! But, I also LOVE the cleanser! It is really refreshing, and deep cleansing! I have combo skin with a lot of oiliness and patchy dry spot and this made my skin very soft and the oily spots less severe. So far so breakouts~
  • OXY Maximum Spot Treatment- This is a 10% benzoyl peroxide treatment, which is really strong I know! But I was recommended this brand from a YT guru, but I did get the wrong product and I’m not quite sure if I like it or not but so far… it’s ok. I put it on day and night, but in the morning I don’t put a lot but at night I pile it on! And I have been using it for about 2 days, and some of the big acnes and pimples I had got smaller and I didn’t get anymore acne.
  • Neutrogena On the Spot Acne Treatment- This is a more gentle formula, with only 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, if I remember correctly. And I haven’t used this yet but I think I might carry it around to apply it when I see a pimple coming!
  • Freeman Cucumber Peel Off Mask- I haven’t used this, but it smells really refreshing, and I’m planning on using it this weekend!


And that’s all the stuff I got!

I actually wanted to get the Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub, but they didn’t have it!

Maybe next time… haha


I will be sure to review them as I use them more.

And there should be more reviews coming up so wait for them!


Thank you for reading, and if you liked it please subscribe!

And leave a comment below, telling me your fave drugstore products~


Hope you have a beautiful day~
